our services

Fixed Income Property Bond 12% to 17% Annualized Returns

Receive 12% to 17% annualized returns with interest paid at 1% per month, or 15% annualized returns with 7.5% interest paid every 6 months, or 17% paid over 12 months. All options are over a 1 year’s term and secured by way of a first charge on the property.


After the global financial crisis in 2008, funding for developers became much more challenging. Therefore, developers seek a variety of ways to fund developments; one way is via private investors entering into a loan agreement directly with the developer, often referred to as a loan note or bond.


Investors can have peace of mind that all developers Turn-key Investments work with have decades of experience and have never defaulted. Moreover, these investments are secured by way of a first charge which is administered by a regulated company at arm’s length from the developer, known as a security trustee. The security trustee protects the interests of the investors at all times. They perform a variety of duties, just one of them is holding the title deed of the development, giving them the ability to repossess the development and sell it off to recover the investors capital in the very unlikely case of a default.

12% to 17% Annualized Returns

UK Government Backed Social Housing 9% Net Yield

UK government social housing has become extremely popular by both retail and institutional investors due to its high yielding low risk investment where the underlying asset is a property that the clients owns. Benefits include the following:


  • Starting net yields between 8% to 9%.
  • Prices start from £90,000 to multi million pound portfolios for high net worth, family office and institutional investors.
  • Rent is adjusted upwards each year based on inflation and CPI (capped at a maximum of 4% per annum).
  • No void periods.
  • No repair and maintenance costs.
  • Newly renovated property.
  • The UK government is your tenant taking long term leases from 5 to 30 years.
  • Managed by regulated UK housing associations.
The UK offers free housing to underprivileged people who have often fallen on hard times and qualify for this benefit. There is presently a wait list of over 1.6 million people in the UK. It is estimated that 145,000 social housing homes are needed every year to cater for the demand. In 2020 just over 6,000 new homes were added, woefully short of the annual requirement.
It is anticipated that as the world goes into a recession that an even higher demand for social housing will be required, thus exacerbating an already chronic undersupply of this kind of property.
By investing in UK social housing, you are not only benefitting from an excellent investment but possibly and more importantly, putting a roof over someone’s head who might literally be homeless.

Starting net yields between 8% to 9%

Private Equity Developments 15% Annualized Returns​

Private equity offers investors to effectively be a minor shareholder in a development. As an investor you will share in the profits of the development. 


Therefore, you can enjoy the upside if there is a large profit margin, although it must be cautioned that you could lose money if the development fails. There is more risk and reward to consider in this kind of investment.

15% Annualized Returns​

Traditional Buy to Let Investment Properties Starts with £50k

This is the most common form of property investment, where the investor owns the property in their personal name or a company name and enjoys a rental income and hopefully a capital gain over time. Properties typically start from approximately £120,000 in the UK and upwards, covering major cities such as London, Manchester, Birmingham and many more. With mortgage financing of around 70% of the value of the property, investors can start with as little as £50k or approximately SGD$80k.



Should clients wish to diversify their property portfolios then Turn-key Investments can offer properties in other countries such as, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, Germany and Portugal to name abut a few . Some countries offer residency programmes should clients be interested to invest in a property and relocate to another country.

Starts with £50k​

16 Years Proven Experience

5 Star Rating

Dedicated Support

Quick Turnaround

Why Choose Us for Your Investments?

Your financial future is our priority.
We know that time is of the essence when it comes to investing. That’s why we prioritize efficiency and strive to provide quick turnaround times on all inquiries and transactions.


When you invest with us, you’re not just a number. Our dedicated support team is here to assist you every step of the way. Whether you have questions about your portfolio or need guidance on investment decisions, we’re here to help.


Invest with us and let’s build a prosperous future together. Contact us today to get started!

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